Alex Kramer with Nicole Boggs - Live Shots & Promo Portraits

I'd like to share with you some photos I've taken with Alex Kramer over the past couple of months to help promote his new album Young Avenue coming out soon. We took some live photos one evening at Acme in downtown Nashville, and had a blast getting some great shots with his band as well as some friends that joined him on stage.

We also had a photo shoot around Nashville with his musical partner Nicole Boggs, where I actually got to play around with 35mm film again! It's been too long. We also had a very nice young lady offer her incredible car for a couple shots, right before it started dumping rain on us.

Check out some of our shots below! And don't forget to keep an eye out for Alex's new album, as well as their weekly live concert series Here Come The Gypsies every Wednesday on Facebook.